Stars Solutions

Improving Star Ratings with targeted member outreach

Improving or Maintaining Mental Health

Improving or Maintaining Mental Health is one of only 9 out of 47 Star Ratings measures with a weight of 3. Moreover, the measure drives overall Star performance by serving as a barometer of members’ ability to engage in managing their overall health. Yet at least 10% of Medicare Advantage members have undiagnosed depression and anxiety, and of those diagnosed with depression, only two-thirds receive any care.

Read our recommended action plan

HPOne Stars Action Plan Mental-Health

Flu Vaccine

An influenza (flu) immunization action plan presents a compelling opportunity to improve Medicare Advantage member health and profitability, netting over $1MM to a 50,000 member plan. Our action plan demonstrates how to conceive, design, and execute a campaign to close the flu immunization care gap with seniors.

Read our recommended action plan

HPOne Stars Action Plan Influenza Vaccine

CMS 2016 Star Rating Action Plan

Health plan executives need to rapidly identify the most critical actions to take in response to the CMS 2016 Stars Ruling. Read our recommended action plan for three key initiatives that are crucial for executives who need to refresh their existing quality of care initiatives.

Read our recommended action plan

HPOne Stars Action Plan 2016 Ratings