Acquire Members | Health Plan One

Acquire Members.

HPOne's contact center services turns prospects into members by combining expert agent teams with technology customized for health insurance sales.

Contact Center

Highest Close Rate +
Exceptional Quality Outcomes

Sales Cycle

Health insurance is a business of peaks and valleys. Whether you have a new product launch, marketing campaign or need to ramp-up during the annual enrollment period, we can install highly skilled sales contact center solutions. Health plans aren't saddled with staffing, training and monitoring during high volume sales cycles like the annual enrollment period.

Pairing Human with
Technological Capabilities

HPOne delivers unparalleled sales by aligning expert agents with state-of-the-art technology. This isn't just lip service. We guarantee the industry's highest close rates alongside high quality scores. This way we simultaneously meet the regulatory conditions of the industry and the needs of the business. Reporting capabilities give health plans unprecedented clarity into campaign and product performance.


Our Agents Are Your
Brand Advocates

Agents are a seamless extension of a client's internal organization. We take this role seriously and assume our clients' needs as our own. From recruitment and hiring, training and onboarding, all elements are in place to ensure optimal program success. Clients can rest easy knowing that their member experience platforms are expertly managed. Our expert licensed teams work to understand a prospect's needs and enroll them into a plan that best fits. This isn't just smart business. It ensures longer-term retention when a goal match between your soon to be member and plan is made.


Automation Custom Crafted for an Insurance Contact Center

We have customized a powerful suite of cloud-based contact center, call routing, self-service IVR and agent optimization tools. Our automation tools are designed by industry experts who know the agent-caller experience and how to optimize it through technology. HPOne's custom suite of contact center functionality creates better communications, drives conversions, and provides data for enhanced business intelligence.

Maximum Engagement. Minimum Disruption.

100% dedication to the health insurance industry means that all agent tools are created and customized to optimize the agent-caller interaction. This guarantees better connections, less dead air and less focus on data entry and computer screens. Our technology suite takes care of the busywork in traditional contact center automation so agents can focus on what is important: your prospects and members.

Features like telephony integration that search the CRM for the person by phone number and matches it with the ideal agent, along with highlights from the previous interaction eliminate dead air, redundant data entry and improved data integrity.

Powerfully & Securely Integrated

Our fully-integrated CRM and telephony-integrated health insurance system can route calls based on unlimited custom conditions like lead source, member need and toll-free numbers. 100% of calls are recorded and securely encrypted with immediate 24/7 access for your sales, marketing and compliance teams.


Ultimate Campaign
Performance Clarity

Client access to our sophisticated reporting system is comprehensive and allows real-time visibility into campaign metrics to help with business intelligence and strategic planning. We leverage the annual enrollment sales cycle, defining strategies to reach membership goals and align revenue streams. Equipping agents to convert an increased number of prospects into new members.

Empowering Health Plans
with Greater Insight

In Our World, "Standard" Actually Means "Unlimited"

Unrivaled Reporting Capabilities

HPOne's reporting capabilities are robust, on-demand, and provide maximum insight into marketing, sales and operational performance. When we say “standard” reporting options, we really mean “unlimited.” Our team develops custom reports for clients with near-limitless capabilities.